Original music

Sound Design

Technical audio

Voice over

Sizzle Reel

“Flootoo” is a

Game Audio STUDIO

known for designing

great-sounding games,

and also by having

clear communication


strategic design thinking

over projects,

working to ensure games

sound as Great as they look


Game Audio Studio

Sizzle Reel

Original music

Sound Design

Technical audio

Voice over

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Flutu Game Audio Studio

Game audio assets

When should you start thinking about music and sound FX assets for your game? In this article, we’ll try to help you figure out when is the right time to call someone to handle the audio assets for your game, including original music.

Here at Flutu Music, we deeply encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. That way,  we can build a strategy with your game development budget in mind, and find ways we can collaborate and increase value to your project. Trust us, that will save you LOTS of time.

You can reach us out by visiting the “tell us more” section on the website. There you will find a short form that connects you to our creative team. We will love to get a chance to know more about you and your game and find ways we can make your vision for it come true with the right music.

Ok, so moving on to our tips, here are some reasons that you should find an audio team early on game development process:

  1. Teamwork

A Game Audio Team is a valuable addition to your development crew. They will be with you on your journey and will help you from the first stage of development until the audio implementation.

The number one spot on our list goes to Teamwork, because finding a team in the early stages will help you get good professionals to help you implement your vision. That means you are not alone.

A Game Audio Team can support you and your game, and also be there on the tough times and on the good times, sharing the excitement when it comes time to release your game. This can greatly boost your confidence and help you stay on track. 

  1. Inspiration and motivation

As you develop the  game, your enthusiasm can be put to the test. If you do it all by yourself, it can be a lonely journey. However, if you start collaborating with others and see the different elements of your game (i.e., visuals, music, sound fx, etc.) coming together, that’s where motivation and satisfaction come to play.

Since developing games is a long-term job and  not an easy or super fast task, it requires dedication, commitment, skills, talent and great enthusiasm! As you know, the process can be long. A good team will help you remember that you are running a marathon, not a 100 yard dash.

So bringing in a Game Audio Team into your project will undoubtedly give you a boost of inspiration and motivation to make it happen!

  1. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 

As you develop your game, you will come to realize that completing all parts at the same time creates a stronger, more cohesive concept for the game, since each element can be built on each other.

This method is a good way to help you understand the look, sound, and collaborative work in each stage of game development.

  1. A game with no Music is like life with no Music: BORING

The game audio assets quality are clearly and deeply connected to its success or failure.  It sets the tone and improves the gaming experience. It shouldn’t be rushed late in development, but for whatever reason, many indie game devs end up doing it unintentionally. 

Developers spend so much time on other aspects of the game that they forget the audio until the last minute. Well, it may be too late, because rushed services are quite expensive, and often lacking in quality. Game Audio Assets should be as carefully crafted as the rest of the game. It is one of the key elements that helps bring everything together, so do yourself a favour and don’t leave it to the end.

Do you want to know more about the importance of Game Audio? I recommend reading this article where I show you the most important things there are behind a well crafted game audio project.


Thanks for reading this article, I hope it was useful! These are just a few reasons you should think about Game Audio assets right in the beginning of the development process.

Take some time to get to know us a bit more and visit the “tell us more!” section of the website, where you can contact our creative team and start crafting all your game sounds right now!

I’m Victor Hime, lead composer and creative director here at Flutu Music! I hope to catch up with you soon!


Know more about Flutu We are a Game Audio Studio

Your are

One step closer

of making your


with its

Sonic experience

Think about your favorite game soundtrack. Sounds just perfect, right?

We help create that same feeling you’re having, making games unforgettable and valuable IPs.

SFX pulls players into your game, Trailers sound cinematic and powerful.

Binaural Audio and Dolby Atmos are everywhere, and we can help you with that.

Audio integration, optimization, and QA.

Free your team to focus while ensuring seamless audio performance.

Smooth and organized voice-over production with ease and precision, while keeping you always ahead of development.

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